To serve the community by providing education,

networking and opportunities for transformation

Holly Hand,   Founder & Director
Holly is an ordained interfaith minister of Reunion Ministries.   
A labyrinth enthusiast  for 12+ years and a licensed marriage and family therapist, she holds a Masters of Arts in counseling psychology with a specialization in transpersonal psychology from JFK University School of Holistic Studies and is a Registered Addictions Specialist. 

Licensed  Marriage & Family Therapist
# MFC 43907

What Is A Labyrinth?

The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that represents Wholeness.  It combines the imagery of the circle and the spiral into a meandering but purposeful path. You follow the path to the center and out again.  The labyrinth symbolizes a transformative journey to your Center and back into the world. 

Labyrinths occur in all cultures and have long been used as tools for meditation, centering and healing.  Labyrinths bring people together on the common path of life.

Unlike a maze, a labyrinth has no dead-ends.   You cannot get lost even though you may feel lost.  The path leads you on a circuitous route to the center and back out again. It slows you down and helps you become centered.  With a maze, many choices are required and an active mind is necessary. When walking a labyrinth, a receptive mindset is suggested.  Your mind can relax – there is nothing to figure out. There is only one choice to be made – whether to enter or not.

We would love to hear about your personal experience with the labyrinth.   
Please feel free to call or write.

There Are Three Stages

1.   The path inward – Release – a letting go of the details of your life.  This is an act of shedding thoughts, beliefs and emotions.  It quiets and empties the mind.

2.   In the Center – Illumination – when you reach the center.  Stay, rest there as long as you like.  It is a place of meditation and prayer.  Receive what is there for you to receive. Listen within.

3.   The path outward – Union – joining with God, the healing forces at work in the world, or whatever concept of a Higher Power/Higher Self in which you believe.  Each time you walk the labyrinth, you become empowered to find and do the work for which your soul is reaching.

She who is centered in the Tao
Can go where she wishes, without danger.
She perceives the universal harmony,
Even amid great pain,
Because she has found peace in her heart.

- Tao Te Ching

Guidelines For The Walk

There is no right or wrong way to walk the labyrinth, though some guidelines may be helpful.  Pause at the entrance, clear your mind and become aware of your breath. Allow yourself to find the pace your body wants to go.  Some walk naturally; others prefer a slow meditative walk.  Do what feels natural.  Be open to whatever impressions may come to you.  The experience is different for each person.  As you walk, you may pass people or let others step around you.  The path has two ways.  Those going in will meet those coming out.  Notice what arises as you encounter others on the path.    

Many individuals find that journaling and sharing with others can help ground and deepen their meditative experience.

Keep walking, though there is no place to get to.
Don’t try to see through the distances.
That’s not for human beings.
Move within,
but don’t move the way fear makes you move.
Walk to the well.
Turn as the earth and moon turn,
Circling what they love.
Whatever circles comes from the center.

Call to request notice of  scheduled activities,
meetings and future events

(925)  768-5815

Labyrinth Resource Center


Center for Counseling, Healing & Growth